Changes to the Specification

24 Jul

words that are duplicates should be ignored (words may appear just once in any owl)

31 Jul

if there is more than one maximum owl, the list of owls must also be in alphabetic order

Assignment 2: Ordered Word Ladders

An ordered word ladder ('owl') is an alphabetically-ordered sequence of words where each word in the sequence differs from its predecessor by one action:

  1. changing one letter, e.g. barn→born

  2. adding or removing one letter, e.g. band→brand and bran→ran

The following are examples of word ladders of different length:

Phase 1

At the heart of the assignment is a function that compares 2 arbitrary null-terminated strings and returns true if the strings satisfy one of the 2 conditions above, and false otherwise. This function has signature:

   1 bool differByOne(char *, char *)

Write such a function and of course test it.

Phase 2

Generate a graph that represents all the words in the input that differ by one. Each word is represented by a vertex in the graph, and vertices are adjacent if the corresponding words differ by one. For example, if a dictionary consists of the 7 words an ban bean ben hen mean men then the graph that represents all ordered word ladders would be drawn as:

           /   \
          2 --- 3
          |    / \

where the vertices 0..6 represent the 7 words in the given order. There are lots of ordered word ladders in this graph: for example, 0→1→2→5 representing an→ban→bean→mean. Any path between any two vertices in the graph is an owl, but notice that, although the edges are undirected, you can select vertices only in ascending order (the ladders must be in dictionary order).

In this phase of the assignment you are asked to create a graph for a dictionary, and simply print the graph.

You may also assume in the assignment that the length of dictionary words is less than or equal to 20, and that there will not be more than 1000 nodes in the graph.

Phase 3

In this phase you need to find the length of the longest owl in the graph, which corresponds to finding the maximal path in the graph.

To test your program, you should create your own small dictionaries. If you want to see more of my examples see the links below.

  1. 'case' example, 4 longest ladders

  2. 'bear' example, 1 longest ladder

  3. 'aaaa' example, 24 longest ladders

Assignment2 (last edited 2019-07-31 22:35:13 by AlbertNymeyer)