Page Name: COMP2911 / AssumedKnowledge

COMP2911: Assumed Knowledge

We assume you have mastered the material covered in COMP1917 and COMP1927. In particular that you

The weekly tasks and the project will make use of the prerequisite material. If you have problems with these, or if you have any gaps with the other material listed above it is up to you to identify the shortfalls and to work to fix them as quickly as possible.

If you have not taken COMP1927 previously you need approval from the lecturer before you can take COMP2911. In any case if you are are at all unsure about whether or not you have sufficient background to take 2911 you should talk to the lecturer or your tutor about this as quickly as possible to check.

last edited 2010-02-24 08:56:35 by RichardBuckland