#acl All:read == Submission Specs == * ~+'''`&subspecs`'''+~ - Specify which files are accepted during submission * Example 1: ~+`accept allocator.c` ''`and optionally any .h files and any other .c files.`''+~ {{{ &subspecs accept allocator.c *.h/0+ *.c/0+ &end }}} * Example 2: ~+`accept` ''`files1`'' `or` `accept` ''`files2`'' `or ...`+~ {{{ &subspecs accept FPView.java readme.txt *.java *.jar/0+ *.jpg/0+ *.png/0+ *.txt/0+ *.fpe/0+ accept readme.txt *.h *.cpp *.tem/0+ dsview.pro *.jpg/0+ *.png/0+ *.txt/0+ *.fpe/0+ *.tgz/0 accept *.zip readme.txt accept *.tgz readme.txt &end }}} * Example 3: ~+`reject` ''`all`''+~ {{{ &subspecs reject * &end }}} ~+`reject *`+~ to stop submissions. Used when automarking prac where the submissions come from the exam account * ~+'''`&deadline`'''+~ - Specify assignment deadline ~+''`group deadline [[, startdate], enddate]`''+~ * Example 1: ~+''`Accept submissions any day.`''+~ {{{ &deadline all Tue 23 Sep 09:59:59 &end }}} * Example 2: ~+''`Accept submissions until a specified date.`''+~ {{{ &deadline all Tue 23 Sep 09:59:59, Sun 28 Sep 09:59:59 &end }}} . When student submits after this date, they will get this message: {{{ You cannot submit after this date: Sun 28 Sep 09:59:59 Submission NOT accepted }}} * Example 3: ~+''`Accept submissions from a start date until an end date.`''+~ {{{ &deadline all Tue 23 Sep 09:59:59, Mon 8 Sep 09:59:59, Sun 28 Sep 09:59:59 &end }}} * ~+'''`&latepen/&earlybonus`'''+~ - Specify the late penalty or early bonus * Example 1: {{{ &latepen ceiling % 0 per hour for 1 hour 15 per day for 4 days &end }}} . ~+`ceiling`+~ - penalty is reduction in maximum available mark . ~+`ceiling %`+~ - penalty is specified as percentages, default is mark . ~+`0 per hour for 1 hour`+~ - exempted if less than an hour late . ~+`15 per day for 4 days`+~ - 15% of the total mark is deducted from the maximum for each day late * Example 2: {{{ &earlybonus raw 0 per day for 3 days 1 per day for 1 day &end }}} . ~+`raw`+~ - change to the raw mark . ~+`0 per day for 3 days`+~ - no change to the raw mark if 3 days or less early . ~+`1 per day for 1 day`+~ - one mark added to raw mark if 4 days or more early * ~+'''`&extension`'''+~ - Add students who need extensions * Example 1: ~+''`Specify days late`''+~ {{{ &extension 3123456 5 &end }}} The student will get 5 days extension. After 5 days, the usual late penalty applies. * Example 2: ~+''`Specify hours late`''+~ {{{ &extension 3123456 0:1 &end }}} The student will get 1 hour extension. * ~+'''`&maxsize`'''+~ - Change submission file size * Example: {{{ # 1 MB &maxsize = 1024 }}} * ~+'''`&backups`'''+~ - Keep previous submissions * Example: {{{ # current submission and keep the previous three submissions &backups = 3 }}} ----- CategoryGiveSpec