&subkey &subgroup specify how submissions are stored.
- Individual submissions into tutorial groups
- Each submission is stored under a directory named after the student's id, which in turn is located under the student's tutorial directory.
e.g. $WORK/ass1/mon12a/3123456, ~/08s2.work/assign1/mon12-bell/3123456
&subkey = stuID &subgroup = sms tut_lab
to store submissions under student login names, replace &subkey by the following
&subkey = sms Login
- Individual submissions where there are no tutorial groups
Each submission is stored under a directory named after the student's id, which in turn is located under the all directory.
e.g. $WORK/ass1/all
&subkey = stuID &subgroup = none
- Group submissions into tutorial groups
- Each submission is stored under a directory named after the group's id, which in turn is located under the group's tutorial directory.
e.g. $WORK/ass1/mon12a/123, ~/08s2.work/assign1/mon12-bell/M12A-15
ass1, assign1 are assignments; mon12a, mon12-bell are tutorial groups; 123, M12A-15 are group ids;
For group work submissions, add the directives (as shown below) to the give.spec file under $WORK/assignment
Any member of a group can submit. The submission by a member of a group will override a previous submission by another member of the group. The group ids must be created beforehand in sms.
&subkey = sms groupID &subgroup = sms tut_lab