#acl All:read == Supplementary Assessment Prep == For both written and practical exams, email cse.teaching@unsw.edu.au the list of students who are offered the supplementary exam. If you email them by the result submission deadline, your course can be included for central timetabling. For practical exams, meicheng will arrange lab bookings based on the supp exam timetable. === Reconcile SMS final marks with submitted results === {{{ checkresults [-v] [session] }}} Use this command from the class account. * It assumes the database path is ~+`/home/${account}/${session}.work/${session}db.sms`+~ . ~+`$account`+~ example ~+`cs1511`+~ . ~+`$session`+~ example ~+`19T1`+~ * It assumes ~+`$GIVEHOME`+~ is set to ~+`/home/give/stable/bin`+~ * It assumes that you have created the database with this command ~+`give-install -new`+~ * Compare submitted results from sms and ~+`/home/sturec/TAPES/${session}_COMPSC.enr`+~. ~+`enr`+~ report generated once a day around 7pm but downloaded to CSE the next morning. * ~+`-v`+~ lists all students in sms and sturec * ~+`checkresults`+~ without ~+`-v`+~ and ~+`session`+~ lists discrepancies for current session. Discrepancies includes WC/WD - useful for checking who are given supp.