#acl All:read = Plagiarism Detection = Currently the most widely used code plagiarism detection software is serviced by [[http://theory.stanford.edu/~aiken/moss/|Moss]] . ~+`~give/stable/bin/`+~ contains scripts to make the process easier: * '''moss''' - sends submissions to moss for processing. . example: . ~+`% moss -l python -m 4 -b template.py -d "*/*.py"`+~ * '''moss_setup''' - retrieve submissions and put them into directories suitable for moss-ing. . example: . ~+`% ~give/stable/bin/moss_setup ` ''`21T2 `'' ''`ass1`''+~ * a plague directory will be created under ~/21T2.work/ass1 * remove any files not to be included in moss plagiarism detection * copy template files to plague/Samples to ignore similarity from these files * '''moss_run''' - wrapper script for moss script. . example: . ~+`% ~give/stable/bin/moss_run ` ''`en1811 `'' ''`21T2 `'' ''`ass1 `'' ''`python `'' ''`"*/*.py"`''+~ . ~+`% ~give/stable/bin/moss_run ` ''`-d /home/en1811/21T2.work/ass1/plague `'' ''`python `'' ''"`*/*.py"`''+~ * last two arguments specify the programming language (python) and which files to process (all .py files for each student). * '''plague.pl''' * Paste everything on moss summary page into ~+''`moss_report_file `''+~ * Look at similarities in code on moss pages and select plagiarised pairs: . ~+`% plague.pl -s ` ''`assignment `'' ''`moss_report_file `'' ''`selected_plague_file`''+~ * Report assignment mark, submission history . ~+`% plague.pl -r ` ''`assignment `'' ''`selected_plague_file`''+~ [[https://www.gs.unsw.edu.au/policy/plagiarismprocedure.html|Plagiarism Procedures]]