#acl All:read
== Important Notes ==
* Refer to Course Specific Instructions. In general, no calculators or electronic devices allowed (including watches).
* If student can't log in, assist them to unlock and/or reset their zpass at https://iam.unsw.edu.au <
>If they still can't, you can log in for them, record on the roll, email the class account your zID and student's zID/name. ''You can only do this once.''
* If student did not bring any id card, take their photo, record on the roll, email the class account the photo, student's zID/name, seat no.
* If using an exam account with restricted access, students are not permitted to log into their own account.
* Maintain a quiet environment once the exam has started.
* Make sure that you do not stand at one place for long in the lab. Move around the lab, check students are not cheating, check the screens.
* You must watch the students at all times. This means you cannot read a book, play on your phone, etc.
* Report any cheating incidents to the lecturer.
* Students should be escorted to bathroom. You may ask student to empty their pockets. Only one student in the bathroom. Wait outside the bathroom. <
>Post on Slack, ask roaming invigilator or ask the invigilator in the adjoining lab to either take the student or mind your lab.
* Students who encountered mishaps due to no fault of theirs (e.g. computer freezing/crashing) should be allowed to make up for lost time. <
>Record mishap and time. If unsure what constitutes mishaps or how much time to compensate, post on Slack.